Attendance Policy
Attendance/ Tardies
Students cannot reach their full potential if they are not present in the classroom for the activities and instruction. State law requires that a student be in attendance 90% of the time to earn credit for the course work that year. Since the school receives funding based on the average daily attendance, each absence costs the school and ultimately you as a taxpayer. Excessive absences, tardies, or early outs, will result in a court referral. Warnings will be issued after 3 unexcused absences and an attendance contract will be started by the administrator, parent, and child.
To ensure student safety, parents are asked to call the school when your child will be absent. Please call the attendance office at 434-4510. A call or a note from a parent is required whenever a child is absent. If neither is received within three days of the absence, it will be considered unexcused. After the 3rd absence (excused or unexcused), a doctor’s note will be required for future absences. Telephone calls will not be accepted for excused absences at this point. More than 6 total absences will be considered excessive.
Reminder to transfer students: Attendance is one of the areas that is evaluated before renewing a transfer for the future year.